2010 Beverly Petty, SPHR

Beverly received this award for her many contributions to our profession and our society. Most recently her accomplishments include implementing an online program to help prepare individuals to take their PHR or SPHR certification exams. Arkansas was the first state to put something like this in place, and it would not have happened without Beverly.
According to Tara Mauk Arthur, Past State Council Director, Beverly recognized the need for this type of a program and brought the idea to the State Council. And, she did not stop there! Beverly built this program from the ground up. She did all the coordination with SHRM and HRCI to get the discounted study materials. She also facilitated most of the courses.
As a result of these efforts, the ARSHRM State Council was a finalist for the Pinnacle Award in 2009. The SHRM Pinnacle Award is the highest award level that can be given to a chapter or state council. These awards are announced each year at the Global Leadership Conference in Washington, D.C. Beverly served as the ARSHRM State Council Certification Director for three years and she has left some big shoes to fill by the person who has taken her place.